Darwinia Chain serves as a Polkadot Parachain that connects to Assethub and other assets through XCMP. Darwinia Chain collaborates deeply with Helix Bridge in a one-stop Bridge solution that can bridge various EVM ecosystems.
XAccount, standing for Cross-Chain Abstract Account, represents a pioneering approach to account abstraction at the cross-chain level. DApps on Darwinia will be able to interoperate with applications on other EVM chains through XAccount. The DApp for XAccount is coming soon.
Darwinia Chain is parachain sharing the same level of security with Polkadot, and It is developed using Substrate and fully compatible with EVM.
Msgport is a programmable Cross-Chain Messaging Port. Just as smart contracts provide programmability for DApp developers, integration with Msgport will empower developers on Darwinia Chain with the capability for cross-chain programming.
To develop more interesting cross-chain DApps on Darwinia Chain using Msgport.
RingDAO refers to the next governance version of Darwinia. RING serves as the governance token for RingDAO, and the upgrades to Darwinia Chain will be governed by RingDAO. RING also functions as the Gas Token for Darwinia Chain and plays a role in Collator Staking, among other aspects. RingDAO also governs other projects, including Msgport and XAPI. Learn more.